Ms. Not-So-Demure

"Give me more loving than I’ve ever had
Make it all better when i'm feelin sad
Tell me that i'm special even when i know i'm not
Make me feel good when i hurt so bad
And I'm so glad i found you"

<Daisypath Wedding tickers

Poison Words~♥



Make My Wish Happen

☐ MacBook Pro
☐ Burberry/Tods Bags
☐ Be Mrs Sani
☐ Morocco/Maldives
☐ Nice Renovated Own House
☑ Get Promoted
☑ Go on a last date




Worth Reading,

The pasts~♥

Bitter-Sweet Moments ,

March 2010 l April 2010 l May 2010 l July 2010 l August 2010 l September 2010 l October 2010 l November 2010 l January 2011 l February 2011 l March 2011 l April 2011 l May 2011 l June 2011 l July 2011 l August 2011 l September 2011 l October 2011 l November 2011 l

My Music~♥


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Designed : Yours Truly♥♥
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Friday, April 29, 2011
And when you smile

Two days to go and..
I can see the excitement in his eyes,
I can hear his super duper happy voice.
That is so weird of him.
But at least I know, he loves me and he's excited on our engagement taking place in two days time.
I cant comprehend on what & how Im feeling right now.
Im feeling numb.
I worry on how its going to take place, the transporting of stuffs and how Im going to run the show.
That was my role during sister's wedding.
The princess role totally slipped off my mind.
Whatever it is,
I want my RING!!
If only it was him who put that ring on on my srawny finger.

Given My Heart~♥

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
One of those irritable day..

Like as if theres no other days to do the aircon. Im so sicked of whats going on right now. Just wish to end 2011 and begin 2012. I cant wait to move out to Yishun. The mess in the house, i feel like im staying in a pig's sty.
Given My Heart~♥

Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Hush..Its a secret of a time bomb

Wonder why dad's siblings are negative people.
They lived in a negative world with negative minds instilled.
You can never hear positive words from them.
Just as I expected, dad told me that his siblings commented on Lagun Sari.
Poor service, sucky foods.
And dad being dad, he got over reacted and like a time bomb, ready to explode.
I swear dad's gonna pick & find faults at Lagun Sari on that day.
During my sister's wedding, they commented on how expensive decorama was bla bla bla..
And now, its my turn, they commented on how terrible their foods are.
Im mentally prepared and ready to suck up all negative comments that Im going to hear, so yeah, this one, I cant be bothered. Whats new about them?
Dont come if you think their foods sucks, aite?

like a du'a that Habib Hassan always taught us,
'Ya Allah, tutupkan segala keaiban kami'
and hopefully everything will go smoothly and the imperfects will turned over to be something great or just right.
I didnt share this matter to my mom & sis cos dad said not to.
And I dont think its necessary cos I know my sis & mom will get mad if they got to know this.
Perhaps, I'll tell them once everything is over.
Bottom line is,
If You Have Nothing Nice To Say, Dont Say It At All,
you horrible, wicked, mean spinster, YOU!
Given My Heart~♥

Sunday, April 17, 2011
Another Thirteen Days

13 days more to my engagement.
Ironically, I dont feel the excitement.
Something that I dont look forward to.
Erm, it sounds wrong.
Truth is, I truly love the boyfriend, I would love to get engage but if Im given a choice, I dont want to go through what Im going and about to go through.
I was teased by friends on where Im getting engaged, at Lagun Sari Restaurant.
Its like a va va boom engagement. Something that other girls would be proud of.
But I dont. What is so WOW about that place?
My sister is the one who keep pushing me to do this and that.
Eventually I did it out of sympathy. She forked out hundreds for my 4 dulangs. She did research for me.
She planned for the venue. She got the berkats, She searched for cheap dulangs. She searched for bunga rampai. She gave lots and lots of ideas.
Shes that excited.
How can I disappoint her?
So yeah, when Im being pushed, eventually I moved.
And ouh, all girls would be excited to hunt for their engagement ring. Perhaps they got their dream & perfect ring months in advance?
Im left with pathetic 13 days and I dont even have a ring yet. I dont even think about it.
Thats how excited I am about this upcoming event.
While Im trying to get involved with all this, I overheard mom said to sister,
"Skrg ni korang yg plan gubahan, korang buat la. Mak nak tengok. Kalau dulu time kau,mak yg plan jadi mak yang buat".
And I started to have flashbacks.
2yrs ago, a month before sister's engagement, I had a tiffed with mom and I vividly remembered her words to me;
"Nanti time kau mak tak nak tolong, kau buat la sendiri."
Ha! How ironic.
Sometimes I wonder why I can never get along with her well.
Anyway if I would have to get excited, it would be this;

the little cute details.

If truth to be told, I still go on with this because,
I pitied my dad. He wants this event.
I still go on because,
my sister put lots of effort on this despite her busy schedules plus a baby on tow.
And I swear I cant wait to get over and done with.
I have so much better things to do.
My ideal engagement would be just exchange of ring, a private affair. No kepo aunties, no crowds, no pretend-to-be bride.
I strongly stand to that till today.
But my parents think otherwise.
Im doing something which I dont like.
And Im struggling to put on just that little bit of effort.
Tell me what is so fun dolling up and dressed up like a bride but sit without the groom?
I can so imagine myself on that day.
Ida, the-pathetic-silly-bride.
 Thats funny. lol.
Given My Heart~♥

Monday, April 4, 2011
Three weeks

Each time I have to think about whats going to take place soon, this is what my heart whispered and prayed; "Ya Allah, permudahkan segala urusan kami, angkat segala kerisaun dihati keluargaku, tutupkan segala keaiban kami dan berikan kami petunjuk." Thats how worried I am for my loved ones.
Given My Heart~♥