Ms. Not-So-Demure

"Give me more loving than I’ve ever had
Make it all better when i'm feelin sad
Tell me that i'm special even when i know i'm not
Make me feel good when i hurt so bad
And I'm so glad i found you"

<Daisypath Wedding tickers

Poison Words~♥



Make My Wish Happen

☐ MacBook Pro
☐ Burberry/Tods Bags
☐ Be Mrs Sani
☐ Morocco/Maldives
☐ Nice Renovated Own House
☑ Get Promoted
☑ Go on a last date




Worth Reading,

The pasts~♥

Bitter-Sweet Moments ,

March 2010 l April 2010 l May 2010 l July 2010 l August 2010 l September 2010 l October 2010 l November 2010 l January 2011 l February 2011 l March 2011 l April 2011 l May 2011 l June 2011 l July 2011 l August 2011 l September 2011 l October 2011 l November 2011 l

My Music~♥


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Designed : Yours Truly♥♥
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

On random note,
I love my boo much.
Like much in a bunch.
We were gazing eyes yesterday,
and my heart cried out,
"Gosh, hes hawt!"
For instant I know I've fallen deeper than yesterday, last month & last year.
Hope this feeling last.
And of course I didnt verbally say that hes hawt.
Orselse, he will act arrogant & snobbish.
I love you! I love you! I love you!
Hes hawt!
Given My Heart~♥

Monday, September 27, 2010
I resigned

I was searching for time to pen this down.
Decided to go car-less till dad comes back.
Mother drove me up to the wall and went up to the brim.
Once and for all I've decided to let it go.
 Here the story goes.
Im tired of driving especially when I have to be the chauffer going from a place to another.
Besides, Im still having post traumatic (nobody knows about this) eversince that stupid accident happened.
So doing something that I hate is what I call TORTURE.
Yeah, I felt tortured to send everyone to work and then send myself to work. I felt tortured to fetch mom at different bank and then back to base then go back home.
But again, I force myself to continue doing that thinking, well if it makes my mom happy, why not?
And I was not only her chaffuer, Im being controlled by mom.
I hate it when people tell me what to do next while driving. Afterall my judgement and yours wont be the same.
Whats more when she made me drive to different routes and then go back to the same route where we originally came from. To make things worse, all the routes were blessed with congestion.
And her being FREAKING FICKLED MINDED doesnt help at all when Im practically frantically drivng.
She got me all confused, worked up & stressed seated behind the wheels.
As of 25 Sept, I gave up on driving.
Its been 3days I officially go public.
My boyfriend yak at me for not driving and I gave him a good preach & yelled at him.
It feels god damn good especially when you've kept it to yourself for nine freaking month.
I didnt talk to mother. Im still pissed. Let time calm me down.
Dad, come back. I need you. WE need you BADLY.

My Mother.
Oh Well.
Given My Heart~♥

Saturday, September 18, 2010

It always feel good each time we get to visit, even if its just a pathetic half hour.
But its very precious.
Five months more.
Just like jigsaw puzzle, we shall search & pick up our lost happiness and fix it back once again.
This time round, with our new comer,
our little buddy.

Given My Heart~♥

Monday, September 13, 2010

On randoms,
I pray that I will be given a pair of twins.
I've been reading alot on twins & how to conceive a pair of twins.
Well, besides the diet taught, family history plays apart too.
Pretty happy to say that I have a history of twins. According to mummy, My grandma gave birth to a pair of twins twice.
Sadly the twins passed away. Another pair survived. My uncle is still alive but his pair passed away.
That is from maternal.
And paternal, my granduncle & grandauntie gave birth to a pair of fraternal twins which makes them my auntie & uncle (although our age are only 5yrs apart).
So there you go, my family tree.
And I do have grandma's genes (maternal). I am left handed. None of my family members are lefet handed except for me & my little cousin, nana.
I assume I have a chance of bearing a pair of twins.
Apart from that, I came across an article saying if you want to have a pair of twins,
recite surah as-Saaffaat  Ayat120.
Meaning: "Salam sejahtera kepada nabi Musa dan Nabi Harun".
Secretly, I've been dua-ing for twins too.
Hope Allah makbul my dua.
Given My Heart~♥

Sunday, September 12, 2010
I pray..

I pray that my life would be full of happiness and stay far away from hatred.
I dont want hatred to revolve in my life.
Its unhealthy and full of misery.
It takes a lot to remain positive and peace.
Mind over body.
Mind over emotion.
Given My Heart~♥

Friday, September 10, 2010
My a funny man.

So his nephew, qimi fall sick too.
Our smses.

The man: Hello, watcha doing?
Me: Resting at home watch tv.
The man: Kecian budak kecik, demam panas sey. Sekarang merengek je.
Me: Kesiannye... I pon sakit. :( Tak tau jangkit sape.
The man: semua sal tak makan sayur tu pasal senang pat decease.
Me: Eleh..nak kutuk orang tapi salah spelling. HAHAHAHAHA!! Decease to makna dia mati. Disease la. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Da tua pon bodoh. :D
The man: Hahaha
Me: Hehehehe.. I luv u.
The man: Luv u too.

Our daily communication. Not too romantic yet not too rude.
Moderate of everything.
God bless our relationship, love.
Given My Heart~♥

Cold Syawal

Woke up early morning with nose blocked & stinging throat.
Tonsil infection yet again.
I guess I have pushed myself to the extreme of liability as so I wont have a chance to even get to think of my sad-unwanted moments.
So eventually when the night came, I was crying hard.
Fall asleep while crying and feel sick the next moment when I woke up.
Other than that, I truly thank God for making me realise that every single moment is to be treasured.
Small little moments makes me feel blessed.
Apart being down, my other significant never failed to cheer me up.
His sister called me up and ask me to come over to have hari raya celebration with them.
But I turn their offer down.
Then my baby mms me this;

Camat Ari Aye Cik Ida,
Maap ahir and atin.

Me being me, I went awwwwww...

This year happiness doesnt belong to us but I pray Allah will give us double & triple happiness next year and years thereafter till akhirat.
Hope You grant my wish, Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim.

Eid Mubarak peeps.
Given My Heart~♥

Thursday, September 9, 2010
Satu Syawal

Walau jauh dimata
Namun kau tak dapat ku lupa
Doaku sepanjang masa
Agar kau bahagia.
Ku pohon restu darimu
Oh ayah & ibu
Agar tercapai cita ku
membela nasibmu.
Given My Heart~♥

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
You're My Everything

At times I wonder how on earth I can get to know a man who can simply tick me off.
It was like totally an easy peasy game for the man.
And how I get frustrated when I loss my debating skills to him.
Pretty annoyed but I love it.
That never hinder me to give up.
Revenge is sweet, as always.

Apparently Singtel have 'installed' a new ringing tone to my line. So after you've dialled my number, there will be a singtel song instead of the usual ringing tone.
Here goes the lyrics;
I know that we can all be friends,
I know that this will never end, 
I know that we can all be friends,
I got the message that you've sent,
I think I know what you meant,
I know that we can all be friends,
We can be friends.

The man was thwarted just the other day when he called 5 times and I didnt answer his call (I was in the bathroom).
The minute I returned his call, he told me he had composed a song for me and then started singing.

I know the girl with dahi luas,
I know the girl with dagu panjang,
I know the girl who always merajok,
I know you can be friend,

Tell me now, should I get angry or laugh?
Ok, I burst into laughter but after that I told him this,
You wait! Im going to compose and sing a song on you.

And the man just laughed and giggly said 'I love You'.
Ya! Ya! sickening you.

We sure gonna pillow fight if this continues right after marriage.
Given My Heart~♥

Monday, September 6, 2010
27 Ramadhan

Today we get to meet again and the first thing he said to me was;
"Ida, Happy Birthday!"
I burst into laughter thinking how funny my old man is.
He continued;
"Mesti la bapak ingat birthday kakak. Pasal bapak kena pergi mesjid lagi bayar fitrah untuk kakak."
And I laughed again.
Laughed in tears.
He is the only one who wished me Happy Birthday on every 27 Ramadhan.
Very cute though.
Well, Im proud of him cause I am very sure he will get Lailatul Qadr. Knowing him, who never failed to wake up every night, its kindda obvious hes one of those whose God had chosen to have a taste of Lailatul Qadr.
He did explained on how that particular night was totally different than the rest of the nights.
The wind, the rain, it explained everything.
The only thing we wished right now is to have time passed very fast.
Im very eager to end 2010.
All of us are.
Till we meet again.
God bless.
Given My Heart~♥

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Got to admit on this.
Im SO MUCH IN LOVE with photography.
The camera, the lens, the angle..
I love the way my mind could venture out.
Being creative & abstract.
I love the thought of what should I pose.
I love imaginations.
Talk about photography, I sure splurge my moo on the camera man for my big day.
I have few shots & pose in mind.
Now, tell me if its cool.

The 'crazy' pose/shot

The seductive moment shot/pose


The Im So In Love With You pose/shot.

Oooooh la la..
I just cant wait to have those shots of my own.
But again, it depends on my other half.
Sometimes he tend to be a little bit too shy (ya right!)
Well those shot, you need to have the courage, open mind and of course thick skin (ehem, like me)
Pray that the man will want to do those kind of shot.

Given My Heart~♥

Saturday, September 4, 2010
Relationship Exposed!

Check out my fb relation status.
I giggled when I saw a request from my boo.
Request for a relationship & been revealed in fb, it is SO NOT us.
That is SO NOT him to expose his relationship.
I dont know what had gotten into him to make that move.
*smack forehead*
Oh well, now my r/s has been exposed.
"Is In Relationship With Sani Ali"
Well, we will start planning wedding stuff after syawal.
Maybe I can start booking my bridal artist.
Truth is, this man cant wait to get hitched and sometimes he tend to get abit hyper & pushy.
In this situation, I am the calmer one & taking one thing at a time.
And, no, I dont think about wedding most of the time.
Even if it strike my head, I'll just push it away & store it at the back of my mind.
Cool huh?
No need to be kanchiong one.

On the other note, I dreamt of me reciting surah yasin from start to end.
Very clueless till now.
Mummy says,
"Mimpi yang baik, Insya Allah dapat yang baik."
On random,
I fall in love with daundco & anggun andaman.
Wondering which decor I should pick.
Time to hit the pillows.
Given My Heart~♥

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Who knows people would come forward and give me a word of wisdom.
Today I started driving.
It feels like the first time I officially got my license.
For that I thank God for guiding me and help me to build up my courage all over again.
My family who never failed to soothe away my fears.
My sisters & friends who did the same.
Least that I know I have made alot of friends in Ba'alwie.
Those uncles from the mosque, their smiles & advice makes me a step up wiser and braver. (apparently they know what had happened to me)
It feels so good to help around in the mosque.
I never regret on things that had happened to me.
Because each painful occurance has its own value by itself.
Its a turning point & I learnt through experience.
I lied if I say that Im not affected at all.
I struggle to get up once more.
Mommy never failed to tell me this everday,
" Buat pengalaman ini sebagai pengajaran, pedoman dan ambil iktibar daripada kesilapan"
Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win.
Given My Heart~♥